American football player N.Y. Giants

€ 262,60

Original price
€ 429,90

39% (€ 167,30)


1 kg

In stock

Made with honest traditional carving technique. Puppet of an American football player wearing a N.Y. Giants jersey. It is hand carved from linden wood and painted with acrylic paints. The clothing is hand sewn. More

Made with honest traditional carving technique. American football player puppet motivated by the N.Y. Giants team. It is hand carved from linden wood and painted with acrylic paints. The clothing is hand sewn. The cover of the front of the helmet is welded and created from metal wire. Precision work, where the production of one such puppet takes several weeks. It will surely make every fan of American football happy. Height 43 cm and weight approx. 1 kg.

Height 43 cm
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  • Naše loutky, jsou v zahraničí velmi oceňovány pro svůj vzhled a kvalitní zpracování.
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  • Nejsme "pouze" prodejci. Máme k loutkám vztah a svojí práci máme rádi a tak o loutkách píšeme, fotíme i točíme.
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Height 43 cm

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