Bobin Puppet theatre - 18 illustrated puppets + 9 backdrops

€ 137,50

Original price
€ 240

43% (€ 102,50)


5 kg

In stock

New on the Czech market! Amazing children's puppet theater with wonderful illustrations. Hand-painted illustrations that will enchant children and adults alike. Made in the Czech Republic. More

This beautifully illustrated puppet theatre will enchant you with hand-painted illustrations that add a unique charm to each story. Each scene and character is carefully designed to give children the greatest scope for their imagination and creativity. The combination of scenes and characters allow endless possibilities for creating your own stories. The theatre is produced directly by our company in the Czech Republic.


»» Dimensions of the folded theatre: width 46 cm x height 11 cm x depth 34 cm
»» Dimensions of the unfolded theatre: width 46 cm x height 58 cm x depth 34 cm.


»» Backdrops - 9 stunning hand illustrated backdrops.
»» Side backdrops - to enhance the experience a pair of illustrated side sets with 9 backdrops.
»» Characters - 18 different characters in total - King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Cinderella, Stepmother, Stepmother's daughter, Devil, Jester, Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma, Mommy, Daddy, Wolf, Hunter, Hansel, Gretel, Witch.
»» A wooden case/stand in which you can store all the parts for the theatre.
»» Wooden rods for the puppets.
»» Proscenium - front portal of the theatre - two posts and an upper portal that folds easily.

The theatre is not intended for children under 3 years of age.

  • Vše je vyrobeno i kompletováno v České republice.
  • Najdete u nás loutky pro různé způsoby užití - na hraní, jako dekorační prvek, vkusný nebo vtipný dárek.
  • Naše loutky, jsou v zahraničí velmi oceňovány pro svůj vzhled a kvalitní zpracování.
  • Jednotlivé části loutkek jsou ve většině případů ručně vyráběny.
  • Nejsme "pouze" prodejci. Máme k loutkám vztah a svojí práci máme rádi a tak o loutkách píšeme, fotíme i točíme.
  • Stále pracujeme na rozšiřování sortimentu a chceme poskytnout ucelenou a kvalitní nabídku.

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