Mr. Gerlich Puppet Theatre + 14 puppets

€ 190,80


5.5 kg

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The popular puppet theatre. Included 11 scenes and 14 puppets! More

Each puppet is easily controlled by one wire. The whole theatre can be easily assembled and disassembled. Everything is packed in a wooden case.

Parameters of the theatre:
»» Dimensions: width 46 cm x height 11 cm x depth 34 cm
»» Puppet size: 12-15 cm.
»» 14 puppets (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Young boy, Three-Headed Dragon, Devil, Wizard, Jester, Grandma, Boy, Girl, Hunter, Witch).
»» 11 scenes - the theme of each scene are following: In the castle / In front of the castle, In front of the cottage / In the cottage, In front of the gingerbread house / In the gingerbread house, In the forest / At the cave, In hell / At the pond, At the bottom of a pond.
»» Packed in a wooden box.

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  • Naše loutky, jsou v zahraničí velmi oceňovány pro svůj vzhled a kvalitní zpracování.
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