Returns and Complaints
If you do not like the purchased goods or you have changed your mind, you can send them back to us within 14 days. If you decide to withdraw within this period, please contact us first by email or phone. We will agree on how to return the goods. The cost of returning the goods is always paid by the consumer.
The buyer should return the goods complete, with full documentation, undamaged, clean, including original packaging if possible, in the condition and value in which they were received. In the event that the returned goods are incomplete or damaged, the Seller may reduce the returned purchase price by the corresponding amount (in accordance with Section 458(1) of the Civil Code). Pursuant to Section 1832(4) of the Civil Code, the money for the returned goods will be refunded to the buyer within 14 days of delivery of the goods or confirmation of dispatch. The corresponding amount will be refunded in a previously agreed manner.
Please do not send returned goods on COD. Goods returned in this way will not be accepted and you will increase the processing time. We recommend that you insure the returned goods with the carrier as we are not responsible for any loss.
The Buyer acknowledges that if gifts are provided with the goods, the gift contract between the Seller and the Buyer is concluded with the condition that if the consumer's right to withdraw from the contract pursuant to Section 53 (7) of the Civil Code is exercised, the gift contract shall cease to be effective and the Buyer shall be obliged to return the goods together with the gifts provided. In the event that these are not returned, these values shall be regarded as unjustified enrichment of the buyer.